Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Finance | Investing | The biggest mistakes investors make

Money is an integral part of our day-to-day life. From the time we start earning till we die, we are involved with money -- earning, spending, investing, managing, donating, lending and borrowing.

Strangely, when we leave school, we have a fair amount of knowledge in math, history, geography, science, languages and what not. But when it comes to money, we are left on our own. It is o ur family, friends, books, magazines, television channels and the Internet that contribute to our financial upbringing.

Hence, we grow up learning about money in a highly unstructured manner; the end result is generally a poor understanding of it.

As such, when it comes to investing, we all make some mistakes. Here are five common ones.
(Courtesy : GetAhead@ Rediff)

Some financial information

Thought will update on the latest situation.
The first thing thats related to finance is related to your petrol/diesel expenses. The union government is thinking of a price hike for petrol and diesel (kerosene and LPG "may" be spared for the time being) and the price hike is going to be atleast of Rs 5-8. This hike was expected early this week but is still pending and can be implemented in the days to come-maybe thursday, June 1 or Friday. So its suggested that you kick start your vehicles and head towards the petrol pumps.
The second thing is for those who are interested in the stock market and are thinking of buying. In relation to the above stated point about the petrol price hike, it is also known that a rise in petrol and diesel prices could push up inflation, and, consequently, force Reserve Bank of India to raise interest rates. This is bound to force the market to dip further. So in case you are thinking of buying, wait for a day or so..atleast till friday evening or till monday. For those who are thinking of selling, expect the market to take still more time to stabalize to a normal point before you can start booking profits.
Hoping this information is useful to you in some way.
Disclaimer : This mail contain personnal views expressed by the author with inputs from news articles and have no legal validation.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Mutual Funds ranking for the year

Following links might help you with choosing Mutual Funds

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